Dear Dog Park Friends, Neighbours, and Users
The Prince Edward Dog Park Association will hold a meeting on Saturday, April 15th at 10:00 AM to 12:00. Picton Town Hall (2 Ross Street, Second Floor).
Please forward this message to other dog park users and they can use this link to join the community.
The preliminary agenda for discussion includes:
Proposed PEDPA incorporation under the Ontario Non-Profit Corporation Act (not a charity)
Draft Memorandum of Understanding between the municipality and the PEDPA.
We will share more details as they are available.

Winter Update - Jan. 12, 2022
Please note that our park water tank is not refilled during the cold winter months. This is necessary to prevent any damage to the tank during freezing temperatures. If your dog requires fresh drinking water during his/her visit, it will be incumbent upon you to bring it with you on your visit.
It is also important to point out that the pathway leading to the dog park can become quite icy during the winter. Use at your own risk and be sure to use extra caution, including ice cleats/spikes, whenever treacherous winter conditions warrant.

Quantifying the Benefits of Owning a Dog
Just how good is dog walking for you? Older dog owners who walked their dogs at least once a day got 20 percent more physical activity than people without dogs, a British study found, and spent 30 fewer minutes a day being sedentary, on average. Regular exercise has well-known benefits for health and longevity.
All participants tended to be less active on short winter days when it was cold and wet. But regular dog walkers experienced less of a dip in physical activity and got more exercise on bad weather days than those who were not dog owners did on the warmest days of the year.
Qualitative studies continue to show that having a dog gives you incentive to get out, when the easier option is to stay indoors.”
Attention All Dog Park Regulars:
Additional Volunteers Requested

We’re requesting your ideas and direct involvement in order to make our dog park an even better place than it already is.
Projects like ongoing park maintenance and needed improvements don’t just happen on their own.
If you’re a regular dog park user and can spare a few hours a month to lend a hand, please complete the PEDPA Volunteer form immediately below.
With your help, we can continue to make good things happen in our park!