Commemorative Plaques Available
PEDPA now offers all dog park users, sponsors & supporters a special way to show their love of a pet or their general support of our dog park.
For a cost of only $50.00 Cdn., you can purchase a commemorative plaque with your chosen inscription that will be installed for viewing within our dog park.
It's a wonderful way to honour your dog - both past & present - or to simply show your support for our dog park.
If you'd like to learn more, simply complete the form below and we'll get in touch with you ASAP.

We're on the 'Look-Out' for Sponsors
The day-to-day operation of a dog park doesn't just happen on its own. It takes the ongoing work and dedication of numerous volunteers who routinely do the clean-up, maintenance, and improvements that help to make our dog park a place we can all be proud of. But regrettably, even our volunteers can't do it all.
The cost of ensuring our fencing remains in good shape; of fresh water delivery to the park; necessary parts to repair latches & gates; the cost of 'filler' material for our mud holes; sign maintenance and on and on and on.
This is where 'sponsors' come in. Any business (or individual) willing to donate a required service (or the cost thereof) will be amply recognised for their efforts in two significant ways: on signage immediately outside the dog park entry gate and on our dog park website: Prince Edward Dog Park.org We can even include your business logo (if applicable) and a special message. It's a great way to show your support for our four-legged friends as well as show our community just how much you care.
If 'Sponsorship', is something that interests you, we'd love to hear from you. Just drop us a note on the adjacent e-mail link and someone from our dog park association will be back to you almost immediately.