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about us
The Prince Edward Dog Park Association is a non-profit organization formed by a small group of dedicated dog owners who have worked hard to build a safe, fenced Dog Park in Prince Edward County and continue to work hard at maintaining it.
In 2006, a tract of land was donated in Picton's Delhi Park for the use of an off-leash dog park. In August 2011, the dog park construction came to an end, the ribbon was cut, the dogs were let loose and the Prince Edward Dog Park was officially born!
We can honestly say that, without the help of our Prince Edward Dog Park Committee, sponsors, and all of you who have particpated in our fundraising, there would be no dog park. Thank you!
See you at the park!


The Prince Edward Dog Park is located in Delhi Park - Picton's largest recreational greenspace. The double gate entrance is at the north east corner of the fenced area.
If you arrive at the park in your vehicle, there are two parking locations available for you to use:
Lalor Street Parking Lot
Enter Lalor St . off of York Street. The lot is at the very end of the street. After parking, follow the wide trail to the park. Motor vehicles are not permitted on the trails.
Mary Street Parking Lot
At the south end of Elizabeth St.
After parking, carefully make your way down the hill at the south end of the lot.

Although use of the dog park is free, donations to PEDPA are certainly welcome and can be made online using the PayPal button directly above.
If you'd prefer, you can make a cash donation to PEDPA in the special PEDPA donation boxes located at Books & Co. Main Street, Picton; Angry Birds Restaurant, Main Street, Picton; Prince Edward Animal Hospital, Loyalist Parkway; and at Pet Valu, Main Street, Picton (located in the Sobey's Plaza).
For additional information, contact us at: princeedwarddogpark@gmail.com
(Please note that PEDPA is not a registered charity and therefore unable to issue tax receipts for donations.)

Our Dog Park Thanks
Vaughan Property Services
For Their Ongoing Support